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Chimp’s maternal instincts awakened as she feeds milk to a baby tiger 餵奶給老虎寶寶 喚醒了黑猩猩的母性本能黑猩猩餵奶

Some adorable images reveal the close bond that has formed between a two-year-old chimpanzee called Do Do and a two-month-old tiger cub called Aorn.

Completely at ease in each other’s company, the ape’s motherly instincts take over as she attentively bottle-feeds the baby tiger. Aorn gratefully laps up the milk as Do Do tenderly holds the tiger in her arms.

At one point, Do Do puts the bottle in her own mouth - almost mimicking the actions of a human mother checking to see if the milk is suitable for her offspring to consume.

For some unexplained reason Do Do is wearing a pair of denim shorts - perhaps to protect her thighs from Aorn’s claws.

They were photographed at Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm and Zoo on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand. The crocodile farm houses some 80,000 crocodiles. However, the farm doesn’t just contain crocodiles.

at ease︰片語,放心、自在。例句︰He was never at his ease with his father.(他與他的父親在一起時從未感到自在。)
take over︰片語,在此指取得主導地位。例句,Don’t let your prejudice take over.(不要被偏見所左右。)
bottle-feed︰動詞,用奶瓶餵(嬰兒或幼小動物)。例句︰Many women choose not to bottle-feed their babies. They insist to breastfeed their own children.(許多婦女選擇不要用奶瓶餵養寶寶,她們堅持為孩子哺乳。)
◎魏國金 自由電子報


Dark winters led to bigger human brains and eyeballs 黑暗的冬天讓人大腦與眼珠較大眼珠

The Oxford University team said bigger brains did not make people smarter. Humans living at high latitude have bigger eyes and bigger brains to cope with poor light during long winters and cloudy days.

The scientists measured the eye sockets and brain volumes of 55 skulls from 12 populations across the world. Lead author Eiluned Pearce told BBC News: "We found a positive relationship between absolute latitude and both eye socket size and cranial capacity."

The team, from the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, used skulls dating from the 1800s kept at museums in Oxford and Cambridge. The skulls were from indigenous populations ranging from Scandinavia to Australia, Micronesia and North America. The largest brain cavities came from Scandinavia, while the smallest were from Micronesia.

Eiluned Pearce said: "Both the amount of light hitting the Earth’s surface and winter day-lengths get shorter as you go further north or south from the equator. We found that as light levels decrease, humans are getting bigger eye sockets, which suggests that their eyeballs are getting bigger. They are also getting bigger brains, because we found this increase in cranial capacity as well. In the paper, we argue that having bigger brains doesn’t mean that high-latitude humans are necessarily smarter. It’s just they need bigger eyes and brains to be able to see well where they live."

cope with:片語,處理。例句:There was more work than I could cope with.(工作多得我應付不過來。)
date:動詞,年代溯及。例句:Archaeologists have been unable to date these fossils.(考古學家無法為這些化石定年。)
capacity:名詞,容量。例句:This hotel has large capacity.(這家旅館可接待大量住客。)


Childhood pets linked to lower allergy risk 兒童時期養寵物與降低過敏風險有關養寵物

Good news for families that would love to have a furry dog or cat but hesitate for fear the kids might become allergic: Fido or Kitty might actually be good for children’s health, scientists say.

They found that children who were exposed to animals at a young age had lower rates of nasal allergies as adolescents.

"Family pets, in particular dogs...need not be removed to prevent allergies, and in fact may protect against them," Melanie Matheson of the University of Melbourne, lead author of the study said.

Looking at survey responses from nearly 8,500 adults from Europe and Australia, Matheson and colleagues focused on those who grew up around house pets or farm animals, and those who had the troublesome runny noses, itchy eyes, and sore throats that plague nasal allergy sufferers.

In the new study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, more than one in four respondents said they had nasal allergies. In most cases, people said their allergies started when they were adolescents.

A number of factors were linked to a higher risk of nasal allergies in the study. Some, like a family history of allergies and the mother smoking while pregnant, are well documented risk factors.

exposed︰形容詞,暴露的、無遮蔽的、易受攻擊的。例句︰Children are exposed to many diseases.(小孩容易感染多種疾病。)
well documented︰有據可查的、證據充分的。例句︰The link between poverty and sickness is well documented.(貧窮與疾病的關聯是有據可查的。)
◎魏國金 自由電子報


Lions ’more likely to eat people after a full moon’ 獅子「在滿月後更有可能吃人」

Other predators, such as wolves, may also be at their most dangerous when the moon starts to wane.

The discovery, from an African study of 500 lion attacks, could explain the full moon’s place in folklore as a harbinger of evil or disaster, and its association with werewolves and vampires.

Scientists studied records of nearly 500 lion attacks on Tanzanian villagers between 1988 and 2009. In more than two thirds of cases, the victims were killed and eaten. The vast majority of attacks occurred between dusk and 10pm on nights when the moon was waning and providing relatively little light.

Lions hunt most successfully when darkness allows them to surprise their prey, but on bright moonlit nights they might have to go hungry. The period immediately following a full moon provides a lion with a welcome opportunity to catch up on missed meals.

Lion attacks also increased during the rainy season, when the moon was more likely to be obscured by clouds.

"Although we are safest from lion attacks during well-lit nights, the full moon accurately indicates that the risks of lion predation will increase dramatically in the coming days. Thus the full moon is not dangerous in itself but is instead a portent of the darkness to come." said the scientists.

wane:動詞或名詞,月虧(缺)、衰退,片語wax and wane指月亮盈虧、圓缺。例句:The moon may be dim or bright, wax and wane.(月有陰晴圓缺。)
folklore:名詞,民間傳說、民俗。例句:Academia Sinica honored him for his lifetime of research on Taiwanese folklore.(中研院表揚他窮盡一生對台灣民俗的研究。)
portent:名詞,預兆,尤指惡兆;異象,動詞為portend。例句:The prophet has revealed important portents for the near future.(這位先知揭露了關於不久將來的重要徵兆。)
◎陳泓達 自由電子報


Could this moody moggy be Britain’s grumpiest cat? 這隻愛生氣的貓會是英國脾氣最壞的貓嗎?

Scowling at the camera with more than hint of discontentment, the irritable puss Pip is constantly in a grump.

According to his owner, Rose Oughton, Mr Pip does not like noise, bad weather and especially hates football.

The Persian Burmese breed’s favourite past-time is ’staring at dogs’ and sitting quietly in his favourite bush in the back garden.

But even when he’s at his happiest, you wouldn’t think it to look at the sour-faced feline.

Mrs Oughton, 65, has owned the eight-year-old for a year and a half. She said: ’What he does seem to like is just staring at dogs with that look he’s got.’

The widow, and mother of two, says she was concerned there might be something wrong with Mr Pip, due to his grumpy looks, and even took him to the vets.

But the vets said his face is perfectly normal and there’s nothing to worry about. ’The reason he looks so glum is because of the Burmese in him,’ Mrs Oughton said.

例句:The old man is known for his grumpiness. He always scowls at whomever visits him.(這個老頭是出了名的性情暴躁。不管是誰上門拜訪,他總是一臉不高興。)
sour-faced:形容詞,臭臉的、苦瓜臉的; 名詞:sour face。例句:He is sour-faced because he has to work overtime during this weekend. (他擺出一張臭臉,是因為他這個週末得加班。)
◎管淑平 自由電子報


PM’s son named ’New Zealand’s top planker’ 總理之子被稱為「紐西蘭頂尖仆街客」紐西蘭仆街客

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key’s son was named the country’s "top planker" Tuesday after a photo appeared online apparently showing him performing the Internet craze as his father looked on.

The New Zealand Herald said the grainy picture of Max Key planking on the back of a couch in the prime ministerial residence appeared on the "Planking New Zealand" Facebook page this week, causing a stir among Internet users.

In a front-page headline, it declared the 16-year-old "NZ’s top planker" but noted the prime minister himself had not personally performed the stunt.

Planking involves someone lying flat on their stomach with their arms against their bodies in unusual and sometimes dangerous situations, with photos of their exploits posted on social media sites.

The fad has been linked with at least one fatality in Australia, when a man was killed in Brisbane in May after plummeting to his death while attempting to "plank" on a seven-storey balcony.

craze:名詞,狂熱,風尚。例句:He is against the craze of planking.(他反對「仆街」熱潮。)
look on:慣用語,在旁邊看;onlooker,名詞,旁觀者。
cause(quite)a stir:慣用語,引發騷動。quite為加強語氣。例句:She caused quite a stir in her little black dress last night.(她昨晚的黑色小洋裝引發好一陣騷動。)
◎張沛元 自由電子報


Vuvuzelas "may spread diseases" 烏烏茲拉可能散佈疾病烏烏茲拉

Vuvuzelas - the horns used by football fans celebrating last year’s World Cup - not only cause noise pollution but may also spread diseases, say experts.

A short burst on the instrument creates a spittle shower similar to a sneeze, travelling at a four million droplets a second, a PLoS One journal study shows.
公共科學圖書館綜合期刊(PLoS ONE)刊登的研究顯示,對著這種樂器短促的吹氣,一次會製造打噴嚏般、以每秒400萬滴的速度噴出的唾沫雨。

In crowded venues one person blowing a vuvuzela could infect many others with airborne illness like the flu or TB. Organisers are considering whether to allow them at the 2012 London Olympics.

Critics say they are anti-social and unsafe because of their potential to generate a din louder than a plane taking off.

Dr Ruth McNerney, who carried out the latest work at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said a "vuvuzela blowing etiquette" may be needed rather than a ban. "Just as with coughs or sneezes, action should be taken to prevent disease transmission, and people with infections must be advised against blowing their vuvuzelas close to other people," she said.
airborne:形容詞,空中傳播的。例句:The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.(飄散空中的輻射微粒覆蓋俄羅斯大片區域。)
din:名詞,喧鬧聲。例句:The children were making a terrible din.(孩子們製造可怕的喧鬧聲。)
etiquette:名詞,禮儀。Social etiquette dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.(社交禮儀說,女性站著的時候,男性不能坐著。)
◎國際新聞中心 自由電子報


Britons rush to buy final edition of News of the World 英國人搶購最後一期的世界新聞報英國人搶購世界新聞報

Britons rushed to buy the final copy of the News of the World newspaper Sunday, putting aside for a moment their disgust at the phone-hacking scandal to snap up a little piece of journalistic history.

The paper has in recent months been selling just over 2.6 million copies a week but the final copy, whose front page carried the headline "Thank You and Goodbye", sparked a surge in sales.

New claims about phone hacking this week sparked national outrage -- but the decision Thursday to axe the publication was a shock and many were keen to buy the final edition as a souvenir.

"I think it’s a bit of a shame since it has been around many, many years and it’s part of British culture but they were wrong for what they were doing," Shareen Geral, a 26-year-old make-up artist said.

Some shared their mixed feelings about the demise of the 168-year-old paper, but others were simply irritated that Sunday would be a little less entertaining from now on. "I am a bit annoyed because obviously it was an enjoyable paper with the sports supplement on the Sunday," said 31-year-old sales manager Martin.

rush:動詞,急速行進、趕緊,也有突然出現之意。例句︰An idea rushed into my mind. (我突然想到一個主意。)
snap up:片語,搶購、迅速抓住、馬上接受。例如,snap up a chance(一把抓住機會。)
axe:動詞,大刀闊斧的削減、撤銷。例句︰Food and housing subsidies were axed in 1976.(糧食與住房津貼在1976年遭到大幅削減。)
◎魏國金 自由電子報


Abused Malta Dog "Star" Passes Away 受虐的馬爾他狗狗「星星」去世馬爾他狗狗星星

Star, the dog found horribly abused and buried alive in Malta last week, has died.

Maltese police found the poor dog buried in a shallow grave. She had been shot 40 times in the head with a pellet gun and her snout was tied to prevent her from barking in pain. Her paws were bound, too. Police discovered her when they heard a whimpering sound coming from under some planks of wood.

The fact that Star survived to be rescued was a miracle. The stray dog had been horribly abused by someone who still has yet to be apprehended.

Her caretakers were so sure that she would make a strong recovery that they began to let Star integrate with her new owners. There was no end to the amount of love given by Star’s new adopted family. For a while it seemed as though this story would have a happy ending.

But shortly after going home with her new owners Star began to vomit and had to be operated on again. She died yesterday of acute inflammation of the pancreas.

Star brought together Malta’s animal rights activists, who are vowing to continue to seek out her abusers and ensure that some small amount of justice is done in her name, and that no other animal has to suffer as terribly as she did.

Pass away:片語,終止、去世的委婉說法。例句:His old grandfather passed away at eight o’clock this morning.(他的老祖父在今天早上8點過世。)
Apprehend:動詞,逮捕、了解。例句:The suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime.(嫌犯在犯罪現場被捕。)
inflammation:名詞,燃燒、發炎。例句:Aspirin can relieve pain and inflammation.(阿斯匹靈可減輕疼痛與發炎。)
◎陳泓達 自由電子報


Ill penguin stranded in NZ is offered a lift home 受困紐西蘭的生病企鵝獲得搭便車回家的提議

A young emperor penguin stranded in New Zealand has survived two medical procedures and now has an offer of a lift home.

Yet the aquatic bird that many are calling Happy Feet - after the lighthearted 2006 movie - is not out of danger yet. The penguin remained on an intravenous drip Saturday and faces another procedure Monday to remove more sand from its digestive system.

If it does pull through, a businessman wants to take it by boat to Antarctica next February.

Happy Feet arrived on Peka Peka Beach, about 40 miles (65 kilometers) northwest of Wellington, June 20, 2011, the first time in 44 years that an emperor penguin has been spotted in the wild in New Zealand. Typically, emperors spend their entire lives in and around Antarctica.

At first Happy Feet seemed fine, but as the week progressed, the bird became more lethargic. It ate a lot of sand, apparently mistaking it for snow, which emperor penguins eat in Antarctica to hydrate themselves during the frozen winters.

lift:名詞,搭便車。例句:Could I give you a lift?(要不要我送你回家?)
call after:片語動詞,以某人之名命名。例句:She was called Mary after her late grandmother.(她是以她的已故祖母瑪莉命名。)
pull (someone or an animal) through (something) :引申形容讓某人或某動物挺過艱困時間或情境。例句: The vet worked hard to pull the cat through the illness.(獸醫努力讓這隻貓熬過這場病。)
◎張沛元 自由電子報


Why fathers have post-natal depression 父親為何有產後憂鬱

One out of every seven new mothers has post-natal depression - but, according to the Fatherhood Institute, one out of every 10 fathers are depressed both before and after their baby is born. The peak time for fathers’depression is thought to be between three and six months after the birth.

Like women, they can struggle with the huge life changes a baby brings, says Fatherhood Institute research head Adrienne Burgess. "Hormones, lack of sleep, increased responsibility and general life stresses can apply to men just as much to women. And if their partner is depressed, then men are more likely to be too." she said.

Men and women who have pre-existing mental health problems are more at risk of developing depression after the birth of a child. But a father’s depression can begin during pregnancy, when relationships are already changing. Fathers can feel left out while their partner is the focus of increased attention.

Association for Post-natal Illness counsellor Liz Wise says:"Women can feel they do things best, like changing a nappy or feeding. They can be quick to criticise their partners and take over. They don’t think about how it could undermine a man’s confidence."

postnatal( post-natal ):形容詞,產後的。「產前的」為prenatal/antenatal。例句:Some foetal abnormalities can now be detected antenatally.(一些胎兒異常現在都可在產前檢驗出來。)
leave out:片語,遺漏、忽略。例句:None of the other children play with her, and I think she feels rather left out.(其他小孩都不跟他玩,我想她覺得非常被排擠。)
take over:片語,接管。例句:She took over as manager two weeks ago.(她兩週前接任經理。)
◎國際新聞中心 BBCnews


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