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商務英語課程概況 之 會議


a. 西方人的會議是直線式
如果你說大家舉行會議是為了解決問題, 多數人一定會說那是當然. 但有時卻並非是理所當然. 想想國內會議的情形吧! 國人有時開會並不是為了解決問題, 而是為了鼓舞出席者的士氣, 有時候類似洽談會性質的友誼活動, 有時候是事先已經充分溝通, 集合大家時卻已有結論等等, 這與西方人的會議大異其趣.

關於西方人的會議, 有人稱為“直線式開會”. 原則上, 開會一定要獲得結論. 如果偏離主題, 或講話隱晦不明, 就會被人要求回到主題上, 並明確表達意見. 主席和其他的出席者, 有責任避免會議變得雜亂無章, 而無所結論.

如果你是發言者, 一定要盡力將自已所要表達的重點明確地表達出來, 如果始終是馬虎了事, 馬上就會受到他人的詳加詰問, 這種情形應該特別留意.

b. 以遊戲的心情參與討論
此外, 討論到了認真激烈的程度時, 容易引起argument(爭論). 東方人不太習慣據理力爭的debate(討論)形式. 以debate為基礎的議論演變為argument的話, 大家都會感到傷感情. 西方人在交涉上必要的兩大要素是logic(邏輯)和menace(威脅). 如果被對方運用花招及威勢所震攝, 就會漸漸喪失氣勢, 如此一來正好中了對方的計策. 這時候, 特別不可以感情用事, 要冷靜地應對才會奏效. 在心情上, 要以遊戲的心情來應付對方, 這是要領. 事實上, debate也可以說是語言的遊戲.


二. 成功進行會議的步驟

步驟一, 開始會議
a. 開始會議(主席的立場)
I’d like to get things under way. (我想開始進行會議. )
Let’s get start. (開始吧. )
Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?
(各位女士先生們, 請大家注意!)
b. 主席的自我介紹
I’m Tian ming Yang, the Chairman of this meeting.
(我是楊天明, 是這次會議的主席. )
c. 闡明會議的目的及議題
Let’s clarify the joint purpose of this meeting. The main topic of today’s agenda is advertising.
(讓我闡明此次會議的目的, 今天主要的議題是廣告. )

The main objective (purpose) of this meeting is …..
Today’s agenda includes many important items.
(今天的議程包括了許多重要的項目. )
d. 指名第一位發言者
Mr. Jones, would you start things off?
(Jones先生, 請你先開始發言好嗎?)
Could I ask you to speak first? (我能請你先發言嗎?)
Could you start the ball rolling? (你能先開始嗎?)
e. 徵求意見
What’s your opinion on this matter? (你對這件事情有什麼意見?)
What do you think about that, Jim? (Jim, 你認為如何?
How do you feel about it? (你怎麼看待?)

步驟二. 提出問題點
a. 列舉問題點
I’ll tell you what I think the trouble spot is.
I want to let you know the point under debate.
b. 提出問題
I think the cause of our poor sales performance is our advertising strategy.
c. 提案
I propose more advertising for this project.
(我提議對這個計畫多做廣告. )
I’d like to come up with a strong advertising campaign.
d. 說明提案的依據
This is because the quality of advertising determines the rate of sales.
That was mainly because the senior members of the committee rejected it.
e. 說明狀況
The response to the advertising in the newspaper was 30% lower than at this time last year.
We’re getting a strong response to the ad from readers.

a.  開口詢問
I’d like to ask you a question.
I have a question to put to you.
(我想個問題想問你. )
b. 再確認一次議題
I’d like to confirm the purpose of this meeting.
Let me confirm whether or not the news is true.
I’d like to briefly go over the situation.
(我想再確認一下大致情況. )
c. 確認發言的內容
I beg your pardon? (請你再說一遍好嗎?)
I don’t understand what you’re saying. (我不明白你說什麼? )
d. 確認對方的意圖
What do you mean by that?
Do you mean that the same advertising strategy is not good?
(你是說用相同廣告的策略不好, 是嗎?)
Are you saying that?
e. 把重點記在心裡
We should keep in mind that high quality advertising improves sales.
(我們要記在心裡, 高品質的廣告會促進銷路.)
Please keep in mind that I’m on your side.

a. 告訴對方已瞭解其看法
I understand your point of view.
(我瞭解你的看法. )
I can understand your concern.
(我理解你所在意的. )
I’ve got it.(我明白了.)
b.  表明贊同
That sounds like a good idea. (那好像是一個好主意. )
I agree with you, I second that. (我同意, 支持你. )
I think your proposal is feasible, I’ll accept it.
(我想你的提議是可行的, 我接受.)
c. 有條件地贊同
I agree with you up to that point.
(在那一點上, 我同意你.)
I’ll accept your proposal under the condition that…..
I do agree, but with qualifications (reservations).
d. 讓步
We can be flexible. (在這個問題上, 我們有讓步的餘地. )
I can make some concessions. (我能做些讓步.)
We can not concede this point.
(在這一點上, 我們是不會讓步的.)
e. 確認已達成的協議點
Let’s reestablish the point we agree on.
(讓我們再確認下我們的協議點. )
Let’s reconfirm where we agree.
(讓我們再確認一下我們的協議點. )
Let’s recapitulate points on which we’re in agreement.
(讓我們再確認一下我們達成的協議. )

a.  表示不同意
I can’t agree with you, because……(我無法同意你, 因為…….)
I’m afraid that I can’t accept that. (我恐怕不能接受.)
b.  表示有一部分不同意
I would agree with that, except for one thing.
(除了一件事之外, 我都能同意.)
I agree that we need more advertising, but disagree as to how to pay for it.
(我同意我們需要更多廣告, 但是不贊成付款的方式.)
c. 促請再考慮
Could you reconsider that? (請你再考慮一下好嗎?)
Could you think over that matter one more time.
d.  說明反對的依據
I don’t agree this will not be of benefit to us.
That’s just not feasible. / not really practical.
(那是行不通的/ 不切實際的.)
I have to oppose the plan because of the shortage of manpower.
e. 拒絕
I’m afraid that I can’t accept your proposal.
We’re sorry, but we can not meet your requirement.
(非常抱歉, 我們無法照辦.)

a. 指出對方脫離主題
That has nothing to do with the main issue.
This is irrelevant to the main issue. (這跟主題沒有關係.)
b.  暗示對方脫離主題
You seem to be getting off the point. (你似乎脫離主題了.)
Would you please keep to the point? (請不要離開重點好嗎?)
Would you confine your remarks to the subject of newspaper advertising.
c. 要求明確地說明要點
Could you please get to the point?(請你把重點說清楚好嗎?)
Can I digress for a moment? I’ll come back to the main point in a minute.
d. 要求回到正題上
Let’s get back to the main issue.
Let’s return to the main issue, that’s all very well, but we’re not discussing advertising policy now.
(讓我們再說回正題,你講的都很好, 但我們現在不是在討論廣告的政策.)
e.  確認議論進展的情形
Where were we?
Going back to what we were talking about…well, where were we?
(回到我們剛才談到的地方是關於….嗯, 我們說到哪裡了?)

a. 中途退席, 自行單獨討論
Excuse us for a moment. We’d like to discuss it among ourselves.
(很抱歉, 我們要中途退席一會兒來單獨討論一下.)
I think we’re within reach of an agreement here, but there are a few loose ends we need to clear up on our side. So….
(我想我們大致上已達成一致協定, 但是我方仍有一些零碎的事情要處理好,所以…..)
b.  結束討論
Let’s wrap up the discussion. (讓我們結束這次討論吧. )
I’m afraid our time is up. (我想我們的時間已到. )
We’ll take a vote on this matter. (我們要表決這件事情.)
c. 確認下一次會議的主題
At the next meeting, we will discuss the advertising expense.
(下次的會議, 我們將討論有關廣告費用的問題.)
Let’s carry that over to our next meeting.
Let’s leave the remaining details for the next meeting.
d. 決定下次的會議
When shall we have our next meeting?
How about a business lunch on Thursday of next week?
c. 結束會議
Let’s adjourn the meeting. (讓我們休會吧.)
Let’s call it a day. (讓我們到此結束吧.)



任何會議都必須事先將其目的, 日期與場所通知所有與會者. 要舉行公司內部會議(internal meeting)時, 事先用memo(記錄)即(interoffice memorandum)及notice(通知)的文書形式分發給相關部門的人員. 在這種memo當中, 首先必須把開會目的(subject)及會議內容(agenda)明確地說明. 在召集公司內部職員時, 可以利用公佈欄(bulletin board)來代替通知(announcement)的傳閱.
會議結束後, 要作成會議記錄(the minutes of the meetings).會議記錄的技巧, 就是要將會議的重點記錄下來, 不要太過執著語句的推敲, 而疏忽了整體的內容.

To:Mr. Tom Johnson (General Manager of Marketing Department)
(受文者:市場開發部經理/ Tom Johnson先生)
From: Bill Smith (General Manager of Sales Department)
(發文者:銷售部經理/ Bill Smith先生)
There will be a meeting for launching a new product in the U.S.
Date:       October 15, 2003 (日期:2003年10月15日)
Time:      10:00-11:45 a.m. (時間:上午10點到11點45分)
Place:     Meeting Room No. 5 (地點:第五會議室)
Agenda: 10:00-11:00 a.m. (議題:上午10點到11點)
Pricing a New Product (決定新產品價格)
11:00-11:45 a.m. (上午11點到11點45分)
Sales Promotion Plan (促銷計畫)


四, 草擬會議議程

1. 議程的內容包括
a. 缺席者名單
b. 上次會議記錄
c. 跟進上次會議之專案
d. 要討論的專案
e. 其他事項
f. 下次會議時間
一個出色的秘書除了草擬會議議程外, 亦會為上司, 即會議主席, 預先準備一份較詳細的議程. 這能令他在開會前充分瞭解需要討論的專案及細節, 這份給主席用的議程格式較特別, 通常在左邊會留有足夠空間予主席作筆記. 主席議程應於會議數日前送到主席手上. 此外, 開會時, 秘書應多備兩三份議程, 以應付突然加入的人及歸檔用.

例子一、會員議程Agenda for committee members
World Trade Company (世貿公司)
Marketing Department Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, 20th May, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. in the conference room
Agenda (議程)
1.  Apologies for absence (缺席)
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 6th May, 2004 (copies circulated)
3.   Matters arising from the minutes (上次會議跟進事項)
(a)  Minutes 6 should be amended as follows for “$30,000” read “$3,000”. (專案6應作如下修改:“¥30,000”改作“¥3,000”)
(b) Minutes 8 –Mr. Smith’s report on the progress of restructuring the Sales team.
4. Winter promotion program (冬季推廣計畫)
5. To review last month’s sales record (上月業績檢討)
6. Date of next meeting (下次會議日期)
7. Other business (其他事項)

例子二、主席議程Agenda for chairperson
World Trade Company (世貿公司)
Marketing Department Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, 20th May, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. in the conference room
Chairperson’s agenda (主席議程)
Item (專案) / Description (內容)/ Note (備註)
1. Apologies for absence (缺席)
---An apology has been received from Kathy Cheung. She is on holiday. (張嘉樂小姐放假未出席)
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 6th May, 2004
---A copy is enclosed (附影本)

3.  Matters arising from the minutes (上次會議跟進事項)
a. Minute 6 should be amended as follows for “$30,000”read “$3,000”
(專案6應作如下修改:“ $30,000”改作 “$3,000”.)
b. Minute 8 –Mr. Smith’s report on the progress of restructuring the sales team. He has already finished a preliminary report.
(項目8史密斯先生彙報重組銷售隊伍進展. 他已完成了初步計畫.)
4.  Winter promotion programme. (冬季推廣計畫)
---Two proposals have been received (enclosed) Lucky draw (Angela Ryan) & Free gifts (Joyce Chan)
5.  To review last month’s sales record (上月業績檢討)
---A copy of past three month’s record is enclosed.
6.   Date of next meeting (下次會議日期)
---1 st July, 2004 (2004年7月1日)
7.   Other business (其他事項)

a.    在撰寫會議紀錄時不須每字必記, 而應該以摘要形式記下主要內容; 另外, 若有提案的話, 須清楚記下動議人員及議人的名字以及投票結果.
b.  會議紀錄應簡潔清楚, 客觀中立, 項目次序跟議程相同; 還有時態應採用過去式.
c.    通常於下次會議前, 秘書會整理好會議紀錄, 事先交予各曾與會人士傳閱, 若有任何修改, 便須預先知會秘書. 而在下次會議時, 這份紀錄便會被提出來通過, 一旦被通過及主席加簽後, 便成為一份正式提案, 不能再作修改.


例一.  內部會議 Internal meeting
World Trade Company (世貿公司)
Marketing Department Meeting, to be hold on Wednesday, 20th May, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. in the conference room
(市場推廣部會議. 於2004年5月20日下午3時30分於會議室舉行)
Present: Mr. John Brue (Chairman)
A. Ryan, G. Omen, M. Chan, J. Chan, J. Moore (Secretary)
1. Apologies for absence: Apologies for Kathy Cheung (缺席:張嘉樂小姐未出席)
2. Minutes of the meeting hold on 6th May, 2004 were taken as read. The following amendments were made: Minute 6 for “$30,000” read “$3,000”. The minutes were then approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman.
(2004年5月6日的會議紀錄需作下列修正: 項目6的“$30,000”應改作“$3,000”,紀錄然後被一致通過, 並由主席加簽.)

3. Matters arising from the minutes: Mr. Smith had prepared a preliminary report on the structure of the sales team. He would hand in the proposal by 10th June, 2004.
(上次會議紀錄跟進事項: 史密斯先生已完成一份關於銷售隊伍組織結構的初步報告. 他將於2004年6月10日呈交正式建議書.)
4. Winter promotion programme: Two proposals were received from Angela Ryan, who suggested a lucky draw programme and Joyce Chan, who recommended free gifts. It was unanimously resolved that Joyce’s proposal be chosen. She will work out a detailed proposal for the next meeting.
(冬季推廣計畫: 共收到兩份建議--賴恩的抽獎及黛絲的贈品. 最後一致通過選擇黛絲的提議, 她將於下次會議呈交正式建議書.)
5. To review the sales record in April: G. Omen reported that the sales figure dropped 10% in April. The chairman urged the sales team to improve their performance.
(檢討4月的銷售成績: 奧文報告指出4月份的銷售額較3月份下跌百分之十.主席促請銷售隊伍改善表現.)

6. Date of next meeting: It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on 1st July, 2004 at 11:00a.m. in the conference-room.
(下次會議日期: 全體一致同意下次會議於2004年7月1日上午11時在會議室舉行.)
7. There being no further business, the chairperson closed the meeting.
(沒有其他事項, 主席宣佈會議正式結束. )


五. 草擬通告及備忘錄

1.  通告(announce): 可用於對內或對外, 主要宣佈某些政策, 活動或人事變動. 通告跟備忘錄(memorandum)不同, 前者沒有針對特定物件, 後者則有指定的收件人. 此外, 通告一般會張貼於壁報版, 在辦公室內傳閱, 又或刊登於報章雜誌, 它並不需要讀者的回復, 故通常不須寫上下款.
2. 備忘錄(memorandum): 是公司內部的通訊便條. 許多時候是以手寫形式與別個部門溝通, 但正式的備忘錄則以電腦或打字機編印出來. 用於解釋公司政策安排, 下指令或呈交報告. 以簡短清楚為原則, 可省去稱謂, 結束敬語等部分, 用語較隨便但仍要保持禮貌. 非正式的備忘錄通常無需加簽, 正式備忘錄則多附有簽名)

例二.   訂閱折扣 Discount of subscription
Memorandum (備忘)
To: Marketing Department            (致: 市場推廣部)
From: John Smith           (由: 約翰史密斯)
Date: 30th June, 2004             (日期: 2004年6月30日)
Subject: Discount rate for magazine (事項: 雜誌折扣)
Please be informed that starting from 2nd July, 2004, all our advertisers who required to subscribe for additional copies of our magazine can enjoy a discount rate of 30% from the fixed price. For overseas subscriptions, postage handing is charged.
(自2004年7月2日起, 所有廣告客戶如欲多訂我們的雜誌, 將享有七折優惠. 海外訂閱則要加付郵資.)


一. Key Words

1. 在會議上  
adjourn (會議) 延期,散會,休會 agenda 議程,議題
assembly (特定)會議,開會,集合 attendant 出席者
board of directors 董事會 bulletin 定期報告,公告
chairman 主席 committee 委員會 
compromise 妥協,折衷 conclusion 結論
Conference( 大型)會議討論會 consensus 合意, 輿論
council 審議會,參議會,理事會 decision 決定 
details 細節  hand in 提出,交上呈上 
handout 傳單,廣告單,印刷品 in conference 會議中
international conference 國際會議 jot down 記下摘要,草記 
labor-management relations 勞資關係 main issue 主題 
meeting 開會,會議 meeting room 會議室
memo 紀要 minutes 議事錄
notification 通知,通知書 opinion survey 市場調查
papers/ documents 檔 pass 采決,通過
resolution 決議  secret conference 秘密會議
send in 提出     shake up/reshuffle 人事改組更新
sign 簽名 countersign加簽 
signature 簽名 staff meeting幹部會議
unanimous vote 一致通過,無異議  

2. 討論中  
adopt 採納,採用 affirmative 肯定的,積極的 
agree 同意,承認     approve 通過, 批准 
argument 爭論,辯論       be against 反對, 違反
be for 贊成,擁護 consult 商量, 請教, 商議
convince 說服, 使信服  contradict/ refute/ rebut 反駁,駁倒
criticize 批評 debate議論, 爭論
describe 陳述    discussion 討論 
dispute 爭吵, 辯論  explain/ account for 說明,解釋
heated argument 火爆的議論 idea 意見, 想法
insist/ urge 催促 mediate 仲裁, 調停
negative 否定的,消極的 nod 點頭 
no objections 無異議  object/oppose 反對
objection 有異議 opinion 意見
permission 主張,許可,允許 persuade 許可, 信服
review 重估, 再檢討  sum up 摘要, 概括
support 支持  thought 見解,判斷 
view 想法, 看法  without argument 無異議
reaction 反應           pros and cons 說服贊成與反對的兩種意見


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